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To obtain a MODELLER license key (which you need to install and runMODELLER) please fill out the following License Agreement.
Note that MODELLER is available free of charge only to academicnon-profit institutions; for commercial entities or government researchlabs (such as the NIH and national labs in the USA), see thenon-academic licensing page.
Academic End-User Software License Agreement for MODELLER
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- Andrej Sali('LICENSOR') grants to ('LICENSEE') a fully-paid, non-exclusive,and non-transferable license to use the 'MODELLER' computer softwareprogram and associated documentation furnished hereunder (hereinafter calledthe 'PROGRAM'), upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set out anduntil termination of this license as set forth below.
- LICENSEE understands that this Agreement islicense for use of, not sale of, the PROGRAM. Consequently, no PurchaseOrders can be accepted by LICENSOR.
- LICENSEE acknowledges that the PROGRAM isa research tool still in the development stage, that is being supplied'as is', without any accompanying services or improvements from LICENSORand that this license is entered into in order to enable others to utilizethe PROGRAM in their scholarly activities.
- LICENSOR MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. By way of example, but not limitation, LICENSOR MAKESNO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANYPARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE PROGRAM WILL NOT INFRINGE ANYPATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. LICENSOR shall have noliability nor be liable for an direct, indirect or consequential damageswith respect to any claim by LICENSEE or any third party on account ofor arising from this Agreement or use of the PROGRAM.
- LICENSEE agrees that it will use the PROGRAM,and any modifications, improvements, or derivatives to PROGRAM that LICENSEEmay create (collectively, 'IMPROVEMENTS') solely for internal, non-commercialpurposes and shall not distribute or transfer the PROGRAM OR IMPROVEMENTSto any person without prior written permission from LICENSOR. The term'non-commercial', as used in this Agreement, means academic or otherscholarly research which (a) is not undertaken for profit, or (b) is notintended to produce works, services, or data for commercial use, or (c)is neither conducted, nor funded, by a person or an entity engaged in thecommercial use, application or exploitation of works similar to thePROGRAM.
- LICENSEE agrees to notify LICENSOR of anyIMPROVEMENTS made to the PROGRAM, as described in Section 5, above, andhereby (a) agrees to supply LICENSOR with a copy of same, and (b) grantsLICENSOR a worldwide, perpetual license, with the right to sublicense (atany tier), such IMPROVEMENTS without any royalty or other obligation toLICENSEE.
- Ownership of all rights, including copyrightin the PROGRAM and in any material associated therewith, shall at all timesremain with LICENSOR and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. LICENSEE agreesnot to use any portion of the PROGRAM in any machine-readable form outsidethe PROGRAM, nor to make any copies except for its internal use, withoutprior written consent of LICENSOR. LICENSEE agrees to place the appropriatecopyright notice on any such copies.
- This Agreement shall be construed, interpretedand applied in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and anylegal action arising out of this Agreement or use of the PROGRAM shallbe filed in a court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- This license shall be for a term of 5 yearsexcept that upon any breach of this Agreement by LICENSEE, LICENSOR shallhave the right to terminate this license immediately upon notice toLICENSEE.