Vcenter Operations Manager Keygen

VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2b Appliance - Data Disk VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2b Appliance - System Disk I set up the vCenter appliance, and applied the vCenter license key. I don't seem to have a 'vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus'. Do I need to stand up the Operations Manager appliance to get to this? VMware vCenter Operations Manager Essentials. VMware vSphere 6 and vCenter 6 Keygen Download from Software: 1 year: 85. Sign up now to comment and upload torrent! VMware vCenter Operations Manager Foundation. VMware vCenter Operations Manager Foundation v5.8.5-NEWiSO Torrent Download with keygen, crack, serial, dvdrip.

Vmware Esxi 5.1 Keygen Download 4shared - 2) Download vCenter Server Appliance. And the other two files are the same vSphere 6.0 Update 1 (there is no 1a), and are available to all license types (commercial.VMware vSphere with Operations Management and VMware vSphere Licensing, Pricing and Packaging WHITE PAPERInstalling the free edition of. The earlier release of vRealize Operations Manager with vCenter Server was shipped with the NGC plugin. The new vRealize Operations Manager plugin in vCenter Server, provides a mechanism to provide specific metrics and high-level information about data centers, datastores, VMs, and hosts, for the.

So far the vCloud Suite proof of concept has been installed and configured with the vCloud Director with vCloud Networking and Security, vCloud Connector and vCenter Chargeback Manager. In this part we will take a look on how to proactively manage the health of vSphere infrastructure, virtual machines and applications. But also how to spot potential bottlenecks and how to remediate the problems. To do this, VMware offers vCenter Operations Manager, which is also part of the vCenter Operations Management Suite, to address these questions. Before we jump into installation and configuration of vCenter Operations Manager, let’s define what it actually is.

VMware vCenter Operations Manager is the key component of the vCenter Operations Management Suite. It provides a new and much simplified approach to operations management of vSphere, physical and cloud infrastructure. Using patented, self-learning analytics and an open, extensible platform, vCenter Operations Manager provides you with operations dashboards to gain deep insights and visibility into health, risk and efficiency of your infrastructure, performance management and capacity optimization capabilities.

Source: VMware vCenter Operations Manager Overview

The vCenter Operations Manager is a virtual appliance and comes as an OVA downloadable from VMware. It can be deployed using the vSphere Client and the Web Client. Once deployed the vCenter Operations Manager is a vApp containing two virtual machines.

  • UI VM: this virtual machines provides you with access to the analytics using a web-based application.
  • Analytics VM: this virtual machine is responsible for gathering data from one or multiple vCenter Servers or vCenter Configuration Manager of any other third party data resources.

The vCenter Operations Manager comes in four versions:

  • Foundation
  • Standard
  • Advanced
  • Enterprise

The license model is either per processor with unlimited virtual machines which is advisable for environments with high consolidation ratio or per virtual machines on physical server which is suitable for environments with low consolidation ratio. Other option is the “a la carte” license which contains a 25 virtual machine instance license pack. More information about licensing can be found on VMware website.

Tip: if you are (re)building or upgrading your infrastructure, consider buying vCenter Operations Manager as part of vCloud Suite or as part of vSphere with Operations Management.

The vCenter Operations Manager uses the following ports for communications. Make sure these ports are open before the deployment on the firewalls.

  • Port22: SSH access to vCenter Operations Manager vApp
  • Port 80: redirects to port 443
  • Port 443: SSL access to the Admin portal and the application
  • Port 1194: tunnel between the UI VM and the Analytics VM

At the time of this writing, the vCenter Operations Manager supports the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 8.0 and 9.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 18 and 19
  • Google Chrome 24 and 25
  • Apple Safari 6

The deployment of vCenter Operations Manager vApp is quite easy and straightforward, it is just basically like deploying any other vApp on you vSphere infrastructure. I assume you already downloaded the OVA file from VMware. In my case I am using version 5.7 which is the latest at the time of this writing.

  1. Before you begin the deployment, you must configure an IP Pool which will provide network identity to the vApp. The vCenter Operations Manager vApp can then use this IP Pool to automatically provide an IP address to the UI and Analytics VM. Also, the IP Pool facilitates the use of a static IP address during the vApp deployment process.
  2. Connect to the vCenter Server where you want to deploy the vCenter Operations Manager. In my case I used the vSphere Web Client.
  3. Navigate to Hosts and Clusters, select the datacenter object, click the Manage tab and select the Network Protocol Profiles (this is the IP Pool tab in the vSphere Client).
  4. Click the green plus button to create a new profile.
  5. In the Add New Protocol Profile wizard, provide a name and select a network association from the list.
  6. Next, specify the subnet, gateway address and DNS servers. DO NOT select the “Enable IP Pool” checkbox and DO NOT specify a range of IP addresses. Those will be specified in the deployment of vCenter Operations Manager vApp.
  7. Enter the DHCP server if there is one available on your network, but in this case it is not necessary. Click Next.
  8. Leave the IPv6Configuration and the Other Network Configuration as default.
  9. Review the settings and click Finish to complete the wizard.
  10. Now the Network Protocol Profile is created, we can proceed with the vCloud Operations Manager Deployment.
  11. With the datacenter object still selected, click the Action button and select Deploy OVF Template.
  12. Select the source and click Next.
  13. Review the details and click Next.
  14. Accept the EULA and click Next.
  15. Provide an intuitive name and select datacenter or folder for the deployed vApp.
  16. Next, chose the deployment configuration. You can chose from small, medium or large. Each option displays its limits in the window below. Click Next.
  17. Select a resource in your datacenter and click Next.
  18. Select a location on your storage for the files and select the virtual disk format.
  19. Next, in the network setup, chose the network destination from the drop-down menu and make sure the IP allocation is set to Static-Manual.
  20. In the Customize Template window, set the appropriate time zone setting and provide static IP addresses for the UI and the Analytics virtual machines. Click Next.
  21. Review the settings, select “Power on after deployment” checkbox and click Finish to start the deployment. When it is finished, the vApp and the virtual machines should be powered on.

Vrealize Operations Manager Keygen

This concludes the overview and deployment steps for the vCenter Operations Manager. Continue to part 14 where we will configure vCenter Operations Manager for the first time.


– Marek.Z

Generating SSL Certificates for usage with vCenter, Update Manager and the ESXi host is one of those tasks that keeps being push away. Accepting the self-signed certificates is fine in most situation, but getting validated certificates means a whole lot of pop-ups disappear and surprise surprise, I have also found that the vCenter Operations Manager feels smother and faster.

I recently followed Julian Wood’s excellent series on how to sign certificates for vCenter and Update Manager. Generating the SSL Certificates for vCenter Operations Manager goes along the same lines, but there are changed and maybe some configuration changes on the vCOPS UI-VM.

Julian recommends to install the latest 64-bit version of the OpenSSL Windows Binaries. Retrieve the Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.1 Light for Windows tool on the vCenter with it’s per-requisite Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (x64) from

Once the OpenSSL v1.0.1 Light is installed, we can add an System Environment Variable, so that the OpenSSL tool can find the path to the OpenSSL configuration file. Because I’m going to use the OpenSSL tool on the vCenter to generate the SSL Certificates for various VMware appliance, I need the variable to stay permanent. From the Control Panel on the vCenter, I add a new System Environment Variable like follows.

Vcenter Operations Manager Keygen

Adding the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable in the Control Panel

So that the next time you start the Command Prompt to generate OpenSSL Certificates, the variable is already present.

One of the best information I learned from Julian’s document is the modification of the openssl.cfg to add the option to use two subjectAltName for the DNS resolution. This allows the user to get a valid certificate when you connect to the vCenter Operations Manager 5.0, using the Fully Qualified Domain Name or simply the short name of the server.

To use this feature you will need to edit the C:OpenSSL-Win64binopenssl.cfg and add “req_extensions = v3_req” to the “[ req ]” section, and add “subjectAltName = DNS:vcops.vsphere.bussink.local,DNS:vcops” to the “[ v3_req]” section. I need to add that I also modify the default key length in the certificate request to 2048 bits.

[box] [ req ]

default_bits = 2048


req_extensions = v3_req

[ v3_req ]


subjectAltName = DNS:vcops.vsphere.bussink.local, DNS:vcops, DNS:

subjectAltName = DNS:vcops.vsphere.bussink.local, DNS:vcops


Update (29/03/2012): I added to my subjectAltName, the iPAddress of my vCenter Operations Manager UI. You will get the information from the vCenter Managed Object Reference portal ExtensionManager value (See screenshot at the bottom of the post). The entry is of format DNS:

Update (02/04/2012): Thanks to Josh Perkins excellent article “vCenter Operations Manager 5 vCenter Plugin uses IP instead of DNS hostname“. I have removed the IP address subjectAltName in the certificate request in the code above.

To create the Certificate file I used the following commands. Go to the bin directory of the OpenSSL tools. Generate a new Certificate Request while keeping the Cert Private key on your vCenter server. I’m generating the vCOPS private key with the 2048bit RSA algorithms and the SHA256 Message Digest algorithms.

[box] cd C:OpenSSL-Win64bin

openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -out vcops.csr -keyout vcops.key


Generate vCOPS Certificate Request

Once we have the Certificate Request for the vCenter Operations Manager, we can submit it to the Public Key Infrastructure for certification. There are two ways to it, once from the command prompt and via the Web interface of the PKI.

Command Prompt Certificate Request

Windows Server 2008 R2 has a simple tool, to submit the Certificate Request directly the Microsoft Root CA (Enterprise Mode).

On my Certificate Authority I have cloned the default WebServer Certificate Template, and named it OpenSSL. I have also modified it’s Validity Period, Renewal Period. See completely at the bottom of this post to get an explanation and description of these changes.

My Microsoft Certificate Authority implementation is configured so that Certificate Requests need to be authorized, so the Submit/Retrieve process is composed of two commands here: certreq -submit and certreq -retrieve, if your Certificate Authority is not setup with validation, the submission/retrieval process is done in a single command.


certreq -submit -attrib “CertificateTemplate:WebServer” vcops.csr


certreq -submit attrib “CertificateTemplate:OpenSSL” vcops.csr[/box]

Submitting vCOPS Certificate Request from Command Prompt

At this point the Certificate has been submitted to the Root CA authority in the domain. Please note the RequestId number when you submit the Certificate Request. Once the Certificate has been authorized and generated you can retrieve it back to the vCenter.

[box]certreq -retrieve 16 vcops.cer [/box]

If we open the vcops.cer in Windows, we can see that the Certificate has also proper Certificates in the Certification Path. This is important to ensure that browsers can validate the vCOPS Certificate all the way up to the Certificate Authority (with the Issuing CA is it’s an Intermediate Certification Authority).

Vmware Vcenter 7.0 Keygen

Verify your vCOPS Certificate for the Certification Path

We now need to build a PKCS#12 container file with the Certificate, the Private Key and output it to the .PFX file.

[box] openssl pkcs12 -export -in vcops.cer -inkey vcops.key -name vcops -out vcops.pfx[/box]

vCenter Operations Manager 5.0 does not use the PKCS#12 file format, but the PEM format, and requires that the Private Key is not protect by password. So we re-transform the the .PFX with the Private Key into the .PEM format.

[box] openssl pkcs12 -in vcops.pfx -inkey vcops.key -out vcops.pem -nodes[/box]

Transform vCOPS from PKCS12 Container to PEM format

At this point open the Administrator interface of vCenter Operations Manager on the SSL pane, and import the PEM certificate.

The url is https://vcops.<your-domain>/admin/

But here comes a tricky part. It’s debugging time.

It is very possible that your Import of the OpenSSL Certificate fails with a General error occured. Like below.

OpenSSL Import General Error Occurred

What I found is that the apache2 Web Server on vCOPS did not like loading my SSL Certificate, because it saw that the certificate was for a FQDN that it could not figure out. I modified the /etc/hosts file to ensure apache2 got the proper hostname while starting up and therefore accepted the OpenSSL Certificates.

In the next screenshot you see the error messages from the apache2 at startup when it cannot figure out it’s name and when it does.

Vrealize Operations Manager 8 Keygen

[box]/sbin/service apache2 restart [/box]

vCOPS apache2 startup with default /etc/hosts and modified /etc/hosts

You can always check the vCOPS log files at /var/log/vmware/ for issues.

In the screnshot below we see that I tried to install onces the vcops.pfx format, and then the vcops.pem certificate (@23:38:15), I then restarted the vCOPS Web Service and all is good after 23:46:13.

[box] tail /var/log/vmware/vcops-admin.log[/box]

Checking the vcops-admin.log for SSL install issues

We can now connect to vCenter Operations Manager using the FQDN or the short-name.

I have also found that once the OpenSSL Certificate has been changed, that the vCOPS Interface feels much more reactive.

Appendix 1) – My OpenSSL Certificate Template

On my Active Directory Certificate Services I have cloned the default WebServer Certificate Template, and named it OpenSSL. I have also modified it’s Validity Period, Renewal Period and the need for the Certificate Authority Manager to approve all Certificate Requests.I highly recommend that you set the Validity Period for your Certificate Template. The CA Manager Approval really depends on your environment. As I sometimes do Auto-Enrollment tests for devices, I don’t want to pollute my Root CA with hundreds of superseding certificates.

OpenSSL Certificate Template Properties - Validity Period

OpenSSL Certificate Template Properties – CA Manager Approval

Appendix 2) – Retrieve the Root & Intermediate Certificate Authority Public Key using CertUtil

Vrealize Operations Manager 7 Keygen

In this second appendix, I will briefly show how to retrieve the Root Certificate Authority Public Key from the command prompt. You should also retrieve the Intermediate CA if you have one.

[box] certutil -ca.cert -config “domctrl01.vsphere.bussink.localBussink Root CA” RootCA.cer[/box]

Retrieve Certificate Authority Public Key RootCA.cer

Update on 16/03/2012. Changed the Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.1 Light tools.

Update 27/03/2012. Added a additional subjectAltName to the Certificate request. But my had my parameters wrong.

Update (27/03/2012): I have added a new subjectAltName on the to my openssl.cfg. I added the FQDN name of my vCenter server in the Certificate request. With vCenter Operations Manager 5.0, you get the integration within the vCenter Client in the Solutions & Applications section. The SSL Certificates will therefore be checked by the vCenter Client against the vCenter FQDN name.

Update 29/03/2012. Thanks for Kinsei for having raises the question on the topic of the SSL Certificate usage via the vCenter Client. The vCenter Operations Manager is connected to the vCenter Server not by an FQDN name, but by an IP Address. You can find the value when you connect to your vCenter server’s Managed Object Reference (mob) settings portal.

https://vcenter/mob/ Content ExtensionManager ExtensionList com.vmware.vcops

Update (02/04/2012). Here is another update. Josh Perkins has written up a great article on how to ensure that your vCenter uses a FQDN or shortname to speak to your vCenter Operations Manager. This means that administrators and user on the vSphere Client do not get invalid SSL Certificate requests anymore. Thanks Josh !!